Prices include artwork & shipping !
spot color
pricing examples:
1 color printing
maroon and black printed on white.
rectangular- no die charge
red, blue, yellow printed on white.
die charge (initial order only).
red, blue, black, green printed on white.
die charge (initial order only).
green printed on white vinyl.
rectangular - no die charge.
black printed on yellow vinyl.
die charge (initial order only).
Spot color pricing
 For square inches: multipy height x width. eg: 3" x 5" = 15 square inches
Printed on white, yelllow or clear material background
2 color printing
3 color printing
4 color printing
(not shown on price list)
Prices include artwork & shipping!
Prices are for square or rectangular decals (no die charge).
Irregular shapes require a one time, (Initial order only), $80 die charge.
We have circle dies every 1/2". No die charge for circles that can use our dies.
'Inside window' decals are printed on clear materail. Use pricing above.
Please write or call for prices on larger sizes or quantities.
We print on white, yellow or clear background material:
Send us whatever you have....
give us a it over... We are here to help!
We can guide you to the best value,
 based on your needs.